Audit System

Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal has a three-tier audit system to ensure that funds are utilized to the optimum level in an accountable manner.

Internal Audit – This is conducted throughout the year in order to ensure accountability in the internal operation of the organization

Internal AuditorsB.P. Thacker Financial Cons Pvt Ltd., Mumbai (Chartered Accountant)

 Statutory Audit– is held by the statutory auditor for finalization of the balance sheet and statement of affairs. This is also done to comply with standard statutory norms.

Statutory AuditorP.M. Bavishi & Co., Mumbai (Chartered Accountant)

External Evaluation

On the basis of need, the Impact and outcome of various projects. The works are evaluated by external evaluation agencies having relevant experience on the subject.

Policy & Decision-Making System

Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal (SSM) works in a delegated work environment. Each and every person in the organization is involved in the process of decision-making in a well-designed system. Making Policy & Decisions in the Foundation are done through a Four-tier system.

Department & Project

Review meetings are held for each department and project regularly for better decision-making and management. Also, A quality circle is formed in every department for quick problem-solving and approval of works manageable at the departmental level.

Samanvay Samiti (Coordination committee)

The Coordination Committee comprises the organization’s Executive Director, Secretary and Departmental heads, this committee looks after the policy-level execution of work, Interdepartmental coordination, and day-to-day management. The Coordination Committee of SSM holds a meeting every month, during each meeting actions from the previous meeting are reviewed before proceeding with new discussion points.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board comprises technically competent people from diverse backgrounds and expertise. The body is formed for a period of  five  years. Members of this board also meet once every Quarter.
The Advisory body advises the Trustees of SSM, taking regular inputs from the Executive Director.

Governing Body

The Board of Trustees sets the vision and broad guidelines for the organization and ensures good governance in liaison with the Advisory Body; Except for the Chairperson, and the Secretary the Governing Body is not involved in the day-to-day operation of SSM.

Project Management & Monitoring system

The project management & monitoring system at SSM comprises systematic and well-laid-down processes. These are as follows –



an MoU is signed

Formation of Project Management Committee

Detailed Project Report


The project is put under a systematic and periodic monitoring system. The processes include Project Auditing, Activity report analysis and Field evaluation.

Impact analysis & External evaluation

The process of project monitoring is followed by impact analysis, which is done internally; and external evaluation, done by an external and professional agency.

Accounting System

The Accounts Team of SSM consists of competent and qualified accounts professionals. The accounts are maintained on daily basis through advanced and updated computer-based systems. The Management and Internal Auditor also analyze the same periodically.

People Management System

For SSM, our people are our Family, and we believe in a participatory work culture. The appraisal and review system is conducted once a year in a democratic way to identify and reward the leading faces in various working sectors of the organization.