As an organisation deeply rooted in Nanded, a rural district, SSM has actively uplifted rural communities through various agricultural initiatives since its inception. Recognising our significant contributions to the farming sector, ICAR has entrusted SSM with the responsibility of operating the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) [ ] in the eight blocks of the Nanded District. The primary goal of our KVK is to enhance agricultural productivity, profitability, and sustainability through comprehensive activities such as technology assessment, demonstrations, capacity building, and extension services. By consistently engaging with farmers and extension workers, we have established ourselves as a distinguished Knowledge and Resource Centre in agricultural technology.

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Agriculture in India is vulnerable to climate change, affecting crop yields and favouring weeds and pests. Intending to promote Climate change adaptive agricultural techniques, The KVK undertakes,

On-Farm Testing (OFT) to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.

Out Scales farm innovations through Front Line Demonstration (FLD) to showcase the specific benefits/ worth of technologies in farmers’ fields.

Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel to enhance their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies, enterprises, and better management practices.

Produces quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) and makes them available to farmers.


SSM believes education is essential for thriving agriculture. We provide students, farmers, and extension workers with opportunities to pursue agricultural education. Collaborating with YCMOU, SSM offers B.Sc. (Agriculture) degrees and diplomas in various farming specialities. The KVK also provides a One-Year Diploma for Input Dealers in Agriculture Extension Services (DAESI) and a Certification Course on Insecticide Management for Insecticide Dealers (CCINM) to enhance knowledge and skills.

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Capacity building is a vital aspect of our activities at the KVK. We aim to enhance the skills and knowledge of farmers and extension workers, empowering them to adopt advanced agricultural practices. To achieve this, we have established audio-visual training facilities where we conduct training programs and workshops for farming communities. Through these programs, we provide additional knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences, allowing participants to gain valuable insights. Moreover, we organise live demonstrations of various technologies, providing hands-on experience to the participants.

In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have adapted by conducting online training sessions on a large scale. These virtual sessions have proven highly successful, reaching over one lakh farmers and extension workers. We are thrilled that these online sessions have allowed us to remotely transcend physical borders and provide valuable knowledge. By leveraging technology, we continue to empower individuals with the necessary skills and expertise for sustainable agricultural practices.


To showcase the practical benefits of agricultural technologies and practices, the KVK has established over 25 demonstration units. These units cover a range of areas, including sericulture, poultry, goat rearing, Azolla production, food and fruit processing, dairy, custom hiring, and seed processing. Additionally, the KVK maintains a 50+ acre instructional farm that demonstrates climate-smart agricultural technologies, showcasing various crops, vegetables, fruits, and fodder on a 1-hectare sample area. These demonstration units serve as replicable models for establishing agriculture-allied businesses.

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Recognising the need to reduce dependence on climate-sensitive agriculture and diversify income sources, the KVK promotes agro-allied business opportunities. Subject experts in various fields such as agronomy, plant protection, horticulture, home science, agriculture engineering, and animal science assist local farming communities. The KVK’s demonstration units and instructional farms are gateways for establishing agri-allied businesses by showcasing sustainable and profitable agricultural technologies and practices.


Transforming Agriculture: Empowering Entrepreneurs through Value Addition of Agricultural Products

Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal (SSM) takes immense pride in the success story of Mrs Swati Prakash Chinchole, an exemplary entrepreneur from Kokalegaon village in Naigoan taluka. Mrs Swati’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of our efforts in rural agricultural upliftment and development through our Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in Sagroli.

When Mrs Swati joined our SHG a few years ago, little did we know that she would emerge as a beacon of inspiration for countless women in her village.Through her dedication and active participation, she learned various product-making processes and became a Community Resource Person (CRP), nurturing and guiding other SHG members.

Our collaboration with Mrs Swati began in 2020 when she was introduced to product making and marketing through KVK Sagroli. She eagerly embraced the opportunity, starting with soybean processing. We provided her with branding, packaging, and marketing training, and she fearlessly ventured into the business, making her first earnings. The Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (MSRLM) recognised and appreciated her achievements at the district level, bolstering her confidence and motivation.

Empowered by her initial success, Mrs Swati continued her entrepreneurial journey with aloe vera processing, another skill she acquired through KVK Sagroli. We provided her with the necessary training and raw materials, and she showcased her products at the prestigious ‘Mahalaxmi Saras Exhibition’ in Mumbai, where she earned Rs. 10,000. This remarkable accomplishment brought financial gains and inspired numerous women in her village to explore similar avenues.

Furthermore, Mrs Swati’s participation in our eco-friendly Holi colour-making training program proved to be yet another milestone. Armed with the knowledge she gained, she produced and sold the colours in Nanded and Naigoan Bazar, earning an impressive Rs. 35,000. Her consistent exhibition participation further bolstered her income, averaging an additional Rs. 6,400.

Today, Mrs Swati is a leading entrepreneur and a sought-after speaker, sharing her expertise in aloe vera processing through guest lectures at various organisations and KVKs. Her success story has become an inspiration for women in Nanded, and her confidence continues to soar.

Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal applauds Mrs Swati Prakash Chinchole’s remarkable achievements and dedication to empowering others. Her journey exemplifies the impact of our efforts in rural agricultural upliftment and development as we strive to create more success stories like hers through KVK Sagroli.
