“Donations to SSM are exempted under 80G certification under IT Rule.”


“Sa Vidya ya Vimuktaye“ (Education Leads to emancipation) Believed and manifested, the scripture from the eternal values of Indian heritage, till he breathes his last in August, 2004. A simple, dhoti clad, six feet tall, yet stooped out of humility is “The Karma Yogi”, Babasaheb Keshav Narayanrao Deshmukh. Born on the 27th of March, 1926, with a silver spoon in the mouth, Babasaheb was the most cherished child in the Regal Deshmukh’ family of Sagroli in the Marathawada region of Maharashtra. The village” Sagroli” in Tehsil Biloli, in Dist Nanded was an integral part of the Nizam’s state of Hyderabad. As a child and youth, Babasaheb had been well exposed to the plight of the village folk, the down trodden and the under privileged. He was sent to Hyderabad for his education, but something that was due to happen through him at Sagroli, didn’t allow him stay there for long time. On the other hand, his daughter who passed her 4th Std. was deprived of further education since there were no schools in the vicinity of 100 K.M. from Sagroli. All the girls of her age had to stay home. This disturbed Babasaheb. It proved good for the village. The thoughts of social reformation already took shape in his mind, came into being with the establishment of Sanskrit Samvardhan Mandal in 1959, an organization to promote education at grass root level.



Dr. Dnyanraj Manik Prabhu


Karmayogi Babasaheb Keshavrao Deshmukh

Babasaheb firmly believed, “The root cause of Penury and darkness in the lives of peasants is lack of education.” and “the level of education determines the standard of a society.”
The girl children in those days were deprived of any source of education. Ironically, the social strata move up only when the girl in a family is well-educated. In pursuit of a solution, Baba Saheb Deshmukh had held discussions at length with his contemporaries and reformers. Finally, a spark was lit by Maharshi Karve’s work, an idea shaped in his mind and Babasaheb moved his first step to uplift the masses through education. A school, he started in a couple of rooms eventually developed into a huge educational campus spread across 200 acres, in the village Sagroli, located at the tail end of Maharashtra.
‘Knowledge is one that liberates’ and thus was materialized.


PKD Photo

Pramod Deshmukh

A culmination of traditional flavour and modern outlook, Maharashtra Jalnayak Shri Pramod ji has transformed the organisation into a Change Maker in Maharashtra. As a Fulbright Fellow and a graduate in Agriculture, he has promoted research-intensive, pioneering initiatives in the field of Agriculture, Environment and water management and reached out to the farming community. Efforts put in remarkable and sustained growth in the Socioeconomic status of the rural population through the development projects undertaken by the organisation changed the living standards of thousands of families.
He has been instrumental in networking with like-minded organisations and evolving a unified workforce to work in collaboration to achieve a better impact on Rural Development in Maharashtra.


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Rohit Deshmukh

A well-Seasoned professional has been leading the community of Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal to next the level while propagating the ideology of the foundation. His trust in inclusive leadership has been rewarding while engaging dynamic youth force to carry forward the multi-disciplinary Rural Mission. The reformation he has brought in the administration and accounts department lead to a well-documented and transparent good governance in the multifarious organisation. His farsighted initiatives enhanced the outreach and added much value to the brand-building of Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal Long before quality private education became a reality in this country, he emphasized that the students of SSM should receive education in a very hospitable and competitive environment so as to meet the challenges ahead, effortlessly. As a result, education at our schools touched impeccable heights.


pramod deskhmukh profile icture

Shri Pramod Keshavrao Deshmukh



Dr. Jayant Narayanrao Jakate



Shri. Sanjeev Shamrao Sagrolikar

Trustee / Treasurer

Dr. ARvind Deshmukh (Trustee)

Shri. Arvind Digambarrao Deshmukh



Shri. Anandidas Renukadas Mahajan


Khanderao Shinde

Shri. Khanderao Ramrao Shinde


Khanderao Deshmukh (MEMBER)

Shri. Khanderao Nathrao Deshmukh


Mrs. Aruna Deshmukh (MEMBER)

Smt. Aruna Sunilrao Deshmukh



Shri. Upendra Goraksha Degloorkar


Manoj Kulkarni (MEMBER)

Shri. Manoj Sakharampant Kulkarni


Rohit Deshmukh (Exe. Director)

Shri. Rohit Pramodrao Deshmukh

Executive Director


Shri. Sambhaji Pundalik Gaikwad



Dr. Madhuri Sudhakarrao Revanwar



Shri. Dhananjay Keshavrao Vakil


Gangadhar Mathadevaru (MEMBER)

Shri. Gangadhar Vaijenath Mathdevaru




Shri. Pratapraoji Pawar

Sakal Media Group, Pune

Adv. Mukund Chaudhary (Advisory Board)

Adv. Mukund Chaudhary


Avinash Dharmadhikari (Advisory Board)

Dr. Avinash Dharmadhikari

Chanakya Mandal, Pune

Lt. Col. Mukund Sarsar (Advisory Board)

Lt.Col. Mukund Sarsar

Indian Army

Prakash Passport photo 1

Shri. Prakash Apte



CA Pankajbhai Bavishi (Consultant Auditor)

Mr. Pankaj Baveshi


Mrs. Tarrannum Kadarbhai (Agri Consultant)

Dr. Mrs. Tarannum Kadarbhai


Shirish Joshi 1

Mr. Shirish Joshi

Strategic Planning


Mr. Rohit Dehmukh (Executive Director)

Mr. Rohit Deshmukh

Executive Director

Shraddha Deshmukh (Edu Head)

Mrs. Shraddha Deshmukh

Head (Education)

Mr. Abhijeet Mahajan (Manager PR)

Mr. Abhijeet Mahajan

Manager (PR)

Dr. Madhuri Rewanwar

Dr. Madhuri Rewanvar

Head (Agriculture )

Padmakar Deshpande (Finance Manager)

Mr. Padmakar Deshpande

Manager (Finance)

Mr. Prabhakar Rao (Concept School Principal)

Mr. Prabhakar Rao

Principal (Concept School)

Sachin Yermalkar (Media Manager)

Mr. Sachin Yermalkar

Manager (Media)

Karimal Manohar

Mr. Karimalmanohar Patil

Manager (Fundraising)

Mr. Laxmikant Inamdar (Manager Hostels)

Mr. Laxmikant Inamdar

Manager (Hostels)

Mr. Sharad Pawar (Admin HR)

Mr. Sharad Pawar

Manager (Admin HR)

Mr. Venkat Shinde (Skill Development)

Mr. Venkat Shinde

Head (Skill Development)

Mr. Sarjerao Dhawale (Program Manager RD)

Mr. Sarjerao Dhawale

Program Manager (RD)


Governance System

At SSM, we have well-defined Vision-Mission statements and objectives in our By-laws, which serve as the foundation of our governance. We actively update these policies through a participatory approach to stay relevant to societal needs.

Leadership and Management                                                                            We have a transparent and democratic process for appointing the Board of Directors, Chairperson, and Treasurer. Information about our Governing Body is readily available through different media channels.

Advisory Board                                                                                                        Our Advisory Board comprises experts from diverse backgrounds who provide valuable advice to our Trustees and Executive Director. They play a crucial role in guiding our organisation.

Governing Body                                                                                                    The Board of Trustees sets the vision and guidelines for SSM, ensuring good governance in collaboration with the Advisory Board. While the Chairperson and Secretary are involved in day-to-day operations, the Governing Body focuses on strategic oversight.

People Management

We have clear policies and procedures for fair and transparent staff recruitment, compensation, and retention, outlined in our HR policy.


We ensure transparent communication with our stakeholders by sharing our organisational plans, activities, history, and achievements through various publications and our online presence in E-media.

Decision-making systems

At SSM, decision-making is a collaborative effort. We have a well-designed four-tier system that involves everyone in the organisation. Regular review meetings for each department and project help us make informed decisions. Additionally, quality circles in each department facilitate problem-solving and approval of departmental works.

Annual General Meeting                                                                              Every year, on 16th August, we organise an annual general meeting (AGM) to bring together all stakeholders and discuss our performance and plans. During the AGM, we address various essential issues, including programmatic, administrative, and financial matters.

Samanvay Samiti (Coordination Committee)                                        The Samanvay Samiti, consisting of the Executive Director, Secretary, and Departmental heads, handles policy-level execution, interdepartmental coordination, and day-to-day management. We hold monthly meetings to ensure effective coordination.

Strategic Planning                                                                                                We develop an action plan based on our vision, mission, and objectives to guide our departments in the years to come. Detailed analysis and brainstorming sessions result in a strategic plan prepared at the departmental level.


Audit System

We conduct internal and external audits of our programs and finances through certified auditors to assess our organisational health. This helps us make informed decisions and take necessary actions.


